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France’s top 10 for-profit healthcare providers and their sectors

This infographic looks at the top 10 for-profit healthcare sectors and the respective providers in France. The list is based on the operator revenue for the year 2022, drawn from HBI Intelligence.

In the for-profit hospital sector, Ramsay Santé (€2,980m), Elsan (€2,888m), and Vivalto Santé (€1,195m) make the list. For elderly care,  emeis (€2,281m), Clariane (€2,080m), and DomusVi (€1,196m) are featured. In laboratory services, Cerba Healthcare (€1,500m), Biogroup (€1,294m), and Eurofins Clinical Diagnostics (€870m) are included. Groupe Vidi, an imaging firm, also ranks in the top 10 with €1,000m.

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